West Sacramento Girls Softball Coach Information

WSGS is a completely volunteer led organization. We rely on volunteers to keep our league running and our players on the field!   


Meeting #1 Coach's Orientation: All head coaches and assistant coaches ARE REQUIRED to attend all coach’s meetings held by WSGS. Meeting will include Executive board member introductions, league goals, your responsibilities as a coach, etc. The purpose of the meetings will be to cover League Rules, meet your fellow coaches, inform you of any league updates, etc.

Meeting #2: Evaluations 8U and Up: Help facilitate player evaluations.

Meeting #3: Draft Day 8U and Up: Head Coaches for all divisions will meet at the division level to draft their teams. 

Meeting #4: Equipment Check Out  Meet with Equipment Manager, check out equipment, Practice Field Signups

Optional Coaches Clinic: Come learn coaching skills from experienced WSGS coaches. Will include how to run a practice, drill ideas, division specific coaching techniques.