WSGS is a completely volunteer run organization!

We need volunteers to keep our league running and our girls on the field!

We are in need of volunteers for the following positions:

Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Parents, Scorekeepers, and Division Coordinators for all age divisions!! 

To Volunteer you must:

1. Register online as a ‘Volunteer’ through TeamSideline by the Program deadlines for the applicable season.

You do not need to create a new TeamSideline account if you already created one to register a player. 

2. Background Checks are required ONLY for Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Team Parents. 

3. Training is required for all Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Parents, and Scorekeepers.


Role: Head Coach

Time Commitment: Be present for all games and practices (or arrange coverage by an assistant coach to act in your absence).

Requirements: Must complete background check. Must attend: Coaches Meeting, Evaluations Day, Draft Meeting (T-ball coaches don’t have to attend Evaluations or Draft).

Responsibilities: Primary focus is to prepare for, and facilitate, practices and games. Head coach is responsible for line-up and rotation plans on game day. Must have knowledge of game play and league rules (league rules will be provided at coaches meeting).


  • You choose the team practice schedule
  • You choose uniform color and team name
  • You get to choose two assistant coaches (assistant coach’s kids will be guaranteed to be on your team)
  • You household is exempt from completing the 4 Volunteer hours
  • Early refund of Volunteer Fee (to be refunded week after Opening Day)
  • Free WSGS Coach’s Shirt


Role: Assistant Coach

Time Commitment: Be present for all games

Requirements: Must complete background check. Optional: Coaches Meeting, Evaluations Day, Draft Meeting (T-ball coaches don’t have to attend evaluations or draft).

Responsibilities: Primary focus is to support the head coach as needed at practices and games. In the event the head coach is absent at practices or games, the assistant coach needs to fulfill the coach duties.


  • You household is exempt from completing the 4 Volunteer hours
  • Early refund of Volunteer Fee (to be refunded week after Opening Day)
  • Free WSGS Coaches Shirt


Role: Team Parent

Requirements: Team Parent must be an adult female, 18 years or older, complete background check, be in the dugout on game days if Head Coach and all Assistant Coaches are male. If Head Coach or 1 Assistant Coach is female, Team Parent can be adult male 18 years or older. Must attend Scorekeeper training (Divisions 8U and up).

Responsibilities: A team parent enables coaches to focus on preparing and facilitating fun practices and games. While coaches are expected to focus on games and practices, Team Parents are accountable for all other aspects of team management. Responsibilities include: ensuring coverage of team’s assigned snack bar shifts, post game snack schedule, communication with parents about scheduling and other team or league related communications. Team parent will manage or identify parent volunteer for these other short-term volunteer jobs as needed. Team Parent may also need to be back up team Scorekeeper if Scorekeeper is absent. Other duties as required by the WSGS Board.


  • You household is exempt from completing the 4 Volunteer hours


Role: Scorekeeper (Divisions 8U and up)

Time Commitment: Be present for all games

Requirements: Attend Scorekeeper training and keep score during all home and away games. Report scores to UIC following games. Arrange for backup scorekeeper if you cannot attend a game.


  • You household is exempt from completing the 4 Volunteer hours


Role: Snack Bar

Time Commitment: Minimum of two snack bar shifts per family to receive refund of season volunteer fee deposit. Hours may also be applied toward River City High School community service hours.

Requirements: Must be 10 years or older (only one youth volunteer per shift will be allowed). Carry out the duties of the snack bar as outlined by the current WSGS Board of Directors. Ensure volunteer shift is documented in the volunteer log located in the Snack Bar, including ensuring a WSGS Board Member signs off on your shift. 


  • Refund of season Volunteer Fee Deposit upon completion of two full snack bar shifts